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1. Young people need a coach they can respect. Show respect and lead by example.
2. Be generous with your praise when it is deserved.
3. Never ridicule or shout at players for making mistakes or losing a match.
4. Commit to keeping yourself informed on sound coaching principles and methods,
and on the principles of growth and development of young people.
5. Create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to train and play.
6. Encourage each player in terms of self-discipline, behaviour and punctuality.
7. Ensure that all players are aware that all forms of bullying will not be tolerated.
8. Coaches must always display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
9. Seek and follow the advice of a doctor in determining when an injured player is
ready to play again.
10. Ensure that proper equipment and facilities are available at all times.
Code for Players
1. Show respect for team-mates, managers/coaches, opponents and officials.
2. Always turn up on time for matches and training in the club kit.
3. Always play to the best of your ability, accept a win & defeat in a proper manner.
4. Always have commitment to your club and pride in your performance.
5. Ensure that your lifestyle helps rather than hinders your progress.
6. Ensure your kit bag holds the proper kit and spares at all times.
7. Listen to coach's advice and question if you don’t understand.
8. Help out with equipment before and after matches and training.
9. Advise as soon as possible – if you are injured or sick.
10. Bullying will not be tolerated and if you feel you are being bullied feel safe to tell
your coaches and or the child welfare officer.
11. Enjoy your education and development with your club.
Code for Parents and Spectators
1. Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players,
coaches, game officials, and administrators at all times.
2. Place the emotional and physical well being of all players ahead of any personal
desire to win.
3. Support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with your child, in order
to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
4. Accept that the game is for the players, not for the adults.
5. Encourage your child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators,
and supporters with respect.
6. Always be positive.
7. Allow the coaches to be the only coaches.
8. Do not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or
9. Never come onto the field for any reason during the game.
10. Do not criticize game officials.
11. Refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect
adversely upon Finglas United Football Club, its members or its programs.
Non Discrimination Policy:
Finglas United Youth Football Club is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in sport and offer’s equal opportunity to players and coaches in the normal course of the clubs activities.
Finglas United Youth Football Club does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, disability, age, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its executive policies, management policies, registration policies, player policies, or coaching policies.
Social Media Policy:
Finglas United Youth Football Club understands that the use of Social Media helps promote our club if used in an appropriate manner.
Finglas United Youth Football Club operate a number of social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, and our club website in line with our NGB the Football Association of Ireland’s policy.
Responsibility for implementation of the Policy
Finglas United Youth Football Club has overall responsibility for the effective operation of the Policy.
Personal Use of Finglas United Youth Football Club Social Media sites
Finglas United Youth Football Club respects your right to use Social Media for personal use however it is important to be mindful of the impact Social Media can have on others.
Each individual is responsible for their own compliance with the Policy and for ensuring that it is consistently applied.
The following conditions must be met for personal use to continue on Finglas United Youth Football Club social media platforms:
ou are responsible for your conduct when using any form of Finglas United Youth Football ClubSocial Media.
Your personal views should not impact negatively or conflict with the role of Finglas United Youth Football Club.
Grievences towards Finglas United Youth Football Club must not be aired through the form of Social Media.
Be aware that what you publish is not private and will be public for many years.
Be mindful of the impact your contribution might make to people’s perceptions of Finglas United Youth Football Club.
Do not discuss colleagues, competitors, coaches parents and / or players without their prior approval.
Do not engage with irate players, parents or coaches on a public forum. Request a meeting with Finglas United Youth Football Club to allow all parties to discuss possible outcomes.
If you are a manager, coach, club official, referee or medic you should not:
Accept any player or referee who is under 18 as a friend on your personal Social Media page. Instead encourage them to follow your organisations Social Media page.
Communicate with any person under 18 through Social Media, text message, phone or email.
All communications concerning under 18’s should be made through parents / guardians. It is important to ensure all communications relate to specific club matters e.g. fixtures, training etc
When making use of any Social Media platform, you must read and comply with its terms of use.
Comments that are deemed to be of an inappropriate nature that are posted on Finglas United Youth Football Club media platforms will be challenged and removed under editorial rights.
Finglas United Youth Football Club operate a zero tolerance policy in relation to its media platforms.
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